Support the Next Generation of Good Neighbors

The PBS39 Good Neighbor Fund was launched in 2021 to address the growing educational needs of our community. Support of the Good Neighbor Fund enables PBS39 to deliver high-quality education resources, family-friendly engagements, and FREE programming for youth across the Lehigh Valley.

Through the generosity of donors like you, over 185,000 educators, children, and their families receive PBS39 learning resources focused on literacy, STEAM, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. Thank you for being a good neighbor!

(minimum $5.00 monthly)
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Checking Account or Credit Card Authorization

I authorize PBS39 and 91.3 WLVR to deduct my Sustaining donation from the bank account or credit card submitted on this form. The first deduction will occur on or shortly after today's date and continues monthly until I notify PBS39 and 91.3 WLVR that I wish to change or end this agreement. PBS39 and 91.3 WLVR can be reached by phone at (610) 867-4677 (M-F, 9-5).

Your gift is very much appreciated and may be tax deductible pursuant to IRC §170(c). A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained at